After Burner Placement also offers consultations from health professionals. We have an in house and licensed Nutritionists who can help you in achieving your target weight or in ensuring you eat the right food. Do not worry, there is no legal agreement for this. You can book for a session, to know more about it – let us give you some information.

A Nutritionist is an expert in the field of Nutrition, licensed professional, who gives advises on matters of food and nutrition and all other food concerns that may impact health. For the longest time, Nutritionist have only worked in hospitals and schools but now there are more fitness centers with Nutritionist and some Health clinics because more and more people are giving importance to their health. Nutritionist are also now in social media too. Their duties usually include,

  • Assessing clients’ nutritional and health needs.
  • Counseling clients on nutrition issues and healthy eating habits.
  • Developing meal and nutrition plans, taking clients’ preferences and budgets into account.
  • Evaluating and monitoring the effects of nutrition plans and practices and make changes as needed.

Some important points from Nutritionists are to always eat breakfast because you should be most energized during the morning. Calorie counting is an effective way of losing weight. Eat whole foods. Eat small portions per meal. Control your sugar and drink lots of water.

In After Burner, our Nutritionists will not only do these things but they will help you achieve your fitness goals along with our fitness programs.  Here are some of the comments from our customers who have consulted already.

Marion Dela Torre

“It has been a struggle for the previous years because I am not happy with how I looked already and I haven’t been able to get decent clothes anymore. I said to myself that I had to do something. Luckily, I have found After Burner from a friend and I got interested right away with their programs. I’m really happy with After Burner, aside from their great programs, I have my own Nutritionist. She helped me eat properly and I have been losing weight ever since.”

John Smith

“I am an athlete and I have to keep healthy and fit. I had to enroll to a fitness center that offers a lot of workouts that I can schedule freely. I do have my own fitness coach in After Burner and my own Nutritionist. They help me sustain my physique and my strength, balance and endurance.”

Taylor Joseph

“I enjoy a lot of dancing and I wanted to try different ones so I decided to attend to the dance classes of After Burner. Good thing, they also have a Nutritionist who I can consult about my diet and other food concerns. I have a lot of food allergies so I had to ask what other food I can eat and the Nutritionist gave me alternatives. The food was great and very easy to find. Ever since, I haven’t had any!”

Our Nutritionist consultation is usually 30 minutes and involves several assessment regarding weight, food allergies and other health and weight goals. They are very friendly and accommodating and they will sure listen to you. If you are interested, send us a message and we’d love to book you a session!

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